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I posted 9 photos on Facebook in the smart rank album Release from Prison

De Wikillerato

Papa, ¿cómo conociste a mi mamá? Conectes rey, conectes. Jajaja. Son pajas mijo, la conocí en una fiesta de 15 años. Photo: You shouldn't have lied to me, I trusted you. I like the song "Just Beat Her" by Michael Jackson, you? ChrisBrownPickupLines WHY ARE YOUR VOICE AND YOU SOOOOOO ??????????!!! U're FabuLOUIS, I am TOTALLY inlove with you , pleaseee Follow me

Betty reckons Liz has run off. If I were a suspicious man, I'd be asking if she knew what Jim was planning. Vou fechar a janela do meu quarto por causa dos mosquitos. Tô cheia de picadura. Aai!. Wooooot! Yeah ya did!! I'm workin' on it THIS VERY SECOND!! :) Ich bin doch da. Ihr könnt mich nur nicht sehen, wegen dem vielen Schnee. eai Thanks all. It's been a blast. Who knew after 35 yrs, 1 mth & 12 days I would be into SM for the TPS

ja to melhor do q ele em dd tak I'm more arsed about Uganda under 21's results than England's though. ScouseNotEnglish Happy Valentines Day baby sister x i missyou and loveyou, be with you soon (: mwuh Te dice que te ama y tiene al congreso de putas del mundo en facebook... The Hit Bar is now serving. WFM is the place to get all your commercial work done and have a drink in the meantime. this weekend doesn't feel the same without my bestfriend :( What did one saggy say to the other? If we don't get some support soon, people are going to think we're nuts.

Had an awesome weekend with fam comin up from london and a christening yday. Been ace & without severe amounts of alcohol whod of guessed! Why tf did ii have to hear through the grapevine my sister moved to LA -__- Having eight, beautiful, funny, supporting, loving, fantastic, and smart rank caring bestfriends. :) >>> It goes from "babe" to "" "Iloveyou" to "Ihate you" "Ineed you" to "love you" "you're my everything " to "you're nothing".

MatemáticasFísicaQuímicaBiologíaDibujoHistoriaLengua y LiteraturaHistoria del ArteFilosofía
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